What is Chiropractic?
An alternative-complimentary system of health care
The human body is controlled by the central nervous system. It follows logically that interruptions or interference in this system will cause the body to manifest malfunctions (symptoms). Chiropractic care is a hands-on, drug-free approach in stabilizing and correcting these problems.
Some people have the misconception that chiropractic care is only good for low back pain, "slipped discs", stiff necks, sciatica, whiplash and other spinal related problems. While it is true that anyone suffering from these or similar problems should try chiropractic care first, it is not generally known that chiropractic care is able to assist in correcting and stabilizing many other problems of bodily dysfunction.
Are chiropractic treatments painful?
The chiropractic technique, The Activator Methods TechniqueTM, we use in our office is gentle, safe and time tested for effectiveness. Activator Methods Technique allows us to deliver an adjustment very quickly, which results in a safer, gentler and more effective treatment.
Does chiropractic treat the causes or the symptoms?
Chiropractic philosophy teaches that a chiropractic physician must always endeavor to correct the basic cause of a problem rather than try to remove only the symptom(s).
The road to wellness
The length of time on the road to wellness depends on factors such as following your doctor's treatment recommendations, your lifestyle, your nutritional habits, the severity and duration of your problem and daily stress levels both mental and physical. Include chiropractic in your total wellness program.
Choose preventative care
Many of our patients have made the wise choice to be treated in our office periodically in order to maintain proper spinal function, which logically leads to better health. The amount of maintenance care you may need depends on your life style, hobbies, exercise, stress levels etc.
The conditions which we address are as varied and as vast as the nervous system itself. We use a standard procedure of examination to diagnose a patient's condition and arrive at a course of treatment. We use the same time-honored methods of consultation, case history, physical examination, and laboratory analysis and x-ray examination as any other doctor. In addition, we provide a careful chiropractic structural examination, paying particular attention to the spine.
Accidents, falls, stress, tension, overexertion, and countless other factors can result in a displacements or derangements of the spinal column, causing irritation to spinal nerve roots. These irritations are often what cause malfunctions in the human body. Chiropractic care either reduces or eliminates this irritation to spinal nerves therefore allowing your body to operate more efficiently and more comfortably.
We also place an emphasis on nutritional and exercise programs, wellness and lifestyle modifications for promoting physical and mental health. While we do not make any use of drugs or surgery, we do refer patients for medical care when those interventions are indicated. In fact, doctors of chiropractic, medical doctors, physical therapists and other health care professionals now work as partners in occupational health, sports medicine, and a wide variety of other rehabilitation practices.